
Wilderness Golf Course – 979-297-GOLF (4653)

Freeport Municipal Golf Course – 979-233-8311

Columbia Lakes Golf Course – 979-345-6161

Lake Jackson Historical Museum

Explore the unique history of the city of Lake Jackson at the 12,000 square foot Museum. Visitors can visit the ghost of Major Jackson, fly the Windecker Eagle and learn why our streets are named This Way and That Way. Open Tuesday-Saturday 10:am – 4:pm; Sunday 1-4:pm; closed Mondays. Admission is Free (979)297-1570

The Center for the Arts & Sciences

The Center for the Arts & Sciences is a cultural and educational complex featuring an art gallery, a science museum, a planetarium and two Theaters. The museum is home to the largest seashell collection in the south and is a great opportunity for everyone in the family to learn a little more about our coastline. There are also dinosaur fossils, mineralogy collection, hands-on children’s section and self-guided nature trail. The planetarium schedule of shows is available on our ca lander or you can call 979-265-7661

Sea Center Texas

Sea Center Texas is a very popular attraction for families of all ages. A joint effort by Dow Chemical, the Gulf Coast Conservation Association, and Texas Parks and Wildlife, created the Sea Center Texas. Located in nearby Lake Jackson, the 11 million-dollar saltwater fish hatchery showcases a 22,000 square foot hatchery building that houses redfish and speckled trout brood fish, producing over 20 million fingerlings a year. The hatchery includes “touch tanks” for children as well as three aquariums. A 2,000-gallon tidal grass aquarium features fish found in Texas bays, rivers, and lakes. The 5,000-gallon surf aquarium features fish caught of Texas beaches and jetties. Finally, the 52,000-gallon offshore aquarium houses fish found in the Gulf. All aquariums represent the species as they would live in their natural habitat. There is a 5-acre freshwater wetland site designed to help visitors understand the importance of our vital wetlands. A nature walk around the wetlands offers the chance to view birds and other wildlife. Sea Center Texas does offer guided tours of the facility but you must call in advance to schedule. Otherwise, you can go anytime during business hours for a self-guided tour and admission is always free.

Tuesday – Friday: 9am – 4pm
Saturday: 10am – 5pm
Sunday: 1pm – 4pm
Monday: CLOSED
For more information call (979) 292-0100